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    Corporate Information


    125, Lugang Road, Jingxiu District, Baoding, Hebei Province, PRC

    Registered office

    125, Lugang Road, Jingxiu District, Baoding, Hebei Province, PRC

    H Share Registrar

    Tricor Investor Services Limited
    Level 22, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong

    Joint Company Secretary

    Mr. Li Wutie
    Ms. Wong Wai Ling

    Authorized representative

    Ms. Shen Lifeng
    Ms. Wong Wai Ling

    Board of Directors

    Executive Directors

    Mr. Li Baozhong (Chairman)
    Mr. Shang Jinfeng (President)
    Ms. Liu Shuzhen
    Mr. Liu Yongjian

    Non-Executive Directors

    Mr. Li Baoyuan (Honorary Chairman)
    Mr. Cao Qingshe

    Independent Non-Executive Directors

    Mr. Xiao Xuwen
    Ms. Shen Lifeng
    Ms. Chen Xin
    Mr. Chan Ngai Sang Kenny

    Audit committee

    Ms. Shen Lifeng (Chairwoman of the committee)
    Mr. Li Baoyuan
    Mr. Cao Qingshe
    Ms. Chen Xin
    Mr. Chan Ngai Sang Kenny

    Remuneration committee

    Ms. Chen Xin (Chairwoman of the committee)
    Mr. Li Baozhong
    Mr. Shang Jinfeng
    Ms. Shen Lifeng
    Mr. Chan Ngai Sang Kenny

    Nomination committee

    Mr. Li Baozhong (Chairman of the committee)
    Mr. Shang Jinfeng
    Ms. Shen Lifeng
    Ms. Chen Xin
    Mr. Chan Ngai Sang Kenny

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